SREP Authorization

The Real Estate Training Institute authorizes the designation of Senior Real Estate Professional to those who have completed the following educational steps.

Seniotr Real Estate Professional

Pre Salesperson's Course

  • Shall have successfully completed a minimum of sixty (60) hours in courses in real estate education. (Includes RETIs final.)
  • Have successfully been cleared for licensure by the commission’s background investigation.
  • Successfully pass the Mississippi Real Estate Exam for Licensure.
  • Issued a Temporary Salesperson’s License from th Mississippi Real Estate Commission

Received a Temporary License

The holder of a temporary license shall not be issued a permanent license until he has satisfactorily completed a thirty-hour post-license course prescribed by the commission and offered by providers specifically certified by the commission to offer this mandated postlicense education.

Thirty-hour Post Course for Salespersons

Successfully completed thirty hours of Salesperson’s Post Education.

Records are on file. with RETI.

Received a Permanent Salesperson's License

Submitted the Post Course Certificate to MREC.

Received your permanent license.

Pre Broker's Course

  • Completed one hundred twenty (120) hours of courses in real estate.
  • Have successfully been cleared for licensure by the commission’s background investigation.
  • Successfully pass the Mississippi Real Estate Exam for Licensure
  • Sign a form under penalty of perjury stating that the applicant will not hire any real estate salespersons for thirtysix (36) months from the date of approval of his or her active real estate salesperson’s license.

Temporary License Status - Thirty-hour Post Course for Brokers

The holder of a temporary license shall not be issued a permanent license until he has satisfactorily completed a thirty-hour post-license course prescribed by the commission and offered by providers specifically certified by the commission to offer this mandated post license education.

Thirty-hour Post Course for Brokers

Successfully completed thirty hours of Broker’s Post Education.

Records are on file with RETI.

Received a Permanent Broker's License

Submitted the Post Course Certificate to MREC.

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